2 Dare I Am

Author: Henri Charles Schmid


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This book intends to be a delightful, informative and entertaining story, including stories about youngsters who were designated to exist as physically, mentally and emotionally uncoordinated individuals. The intense hurt, including often being "bullied" by their peers was in most cases, silently kept to themselves. When the inner critic is demoralizing self-confidence, the outer critics need to be eliminated first. Not sooner after being encouraged, motivated to never give up and to ignore the negative labels attached to them, positive changes started to happen. Among them were youngsters who had never received any outside recognition because of counterfeit, mislabeled information and made up reality. A few, considered giving up on life as a relief of the extreme pain and suffering. The lack of adult authorities defusing situations were unfortunately too common. However, over time with empathy, a dedicated professional approach based on "it's all about them", moving them from a place of exclusion to a place of acceptance and respect, miracles started to happen and painful pasts will not define them anymore.

Henri Charles Schmid is a Certified Tennis and Athletics Professional as well as a writer and author. He graduated in The Netherlands with several degrees and has been involved in tennis, sports and athletics around the globe including in The Netherlands, Australia, Canada and the USA. While working as a tennis professional coach and teacher, he has written numerous articles about tennis, athletics and youth in general. This, his third book, is based on more than fifty years of experience dealing with teenagers and young adults. Born in the former Dutch East Indies (Indonesia), he is a United States citizen and lives with his wife, most grandchildren and great-grandchildren in Arizona.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 164 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Biography

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