2020 Reflections: Memoir of an Addict

Author: Wanda Shawanda


Item Summary

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A real life account of what is was like for an Urban Indigenous Woman who

spent much of her life battling drug and alcohol addiction to recover during a

worldwide pandemic. _ e year was 2020 one that will forever mark a period of

time in history when a deadly virus known as the Coronavirus took the globe

by storm. _ is virus known as Covid-19 would forever change the way in which

people thought, felt and behaved. _ is story is about a woman who used the year

2020, when the world stood still, to heal and recover from a lifelong journey of

abuse, trauma & addictions. When everything was shut down she took it upon

herself to take autonomy over her own healing and recovery. Find out just what

it took for her to do while the world was on chaos from Covid-19.

Wanda Shawanda is an Urban Indigenous women who was born and raised in

a big city in Ontario, Canada. Her roots stem from a Haudenasaunee Reserve

close to the city where she was brought up. She is a Mohawk mother of four

belonging to the Bear Clan. Wanda is an educated woman with a background in

Early Childhood Education, Concurrent Disorders, Sociology and Social Work.

However, it was her personal life experiences with drugs, alcohol, and abuse that

inspired her to share her story in written form. She has gain much knowledge

by way of her Indigenous Traditional Teachings through Elder teachings,

ceremonies and attending Indigenous healing programs. Wanda only shares

what she had learned this far.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 288 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Memoir

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