The Adventures of Cooper & Abby

Author: Andrew Jacob Budd


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In the summer of 2023, 8 year old Andrew would be presented with an opportunity to show off what he's been working on. AJ Comix! His very own comic book design company. Andrew was invited to participate in the Acton Children's Business Fair, and he couldn't wait to put into practice all that he had learned! Andrew went on to design a 5-part series labeled after his family pets. Andrew sold out of 20 comic books in the first hour. Andrew's passion is reading and getting lost in a story, hopefully you get lost in his too!

Andrew Jacob Budd. Born September 3rd, 2014. Andrew was born with an incredible imagination. He would spend time imagining he was a superhero with special powers. Conquering crime, and helping defeat boss battles was always something that inspired him. Andrew has two siblings. One younger brother, Matthew, and an older sister named Alivia. Andrew took to drawing with his older sister Alivia. They would watch videos and practice drawing whatever they could imagine. Andrew found a passion in storytelling. The first activity Andrew loved to do was make flip books. Between the ages of 4 to 6 years old Andrew had made over 15 full flip books. Matthew, his younger brother, would help challenge Andrew with several different story lines. Andrew would take those and try to make a story. Book after book, Andrew read through to learn how to be a better illustrator. Then one day the book fair cameo his school. Andrew opened his first comic book and he was hooked! Lost in the animation, storytelling and the humor in comic books, they drew him into his passion. Some of his influences were Captain Underpants, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and Dogman. Andrew grew up with two dogs, Ralfy and Abby. Ralfy sadly passed away, and anew best friend had arrived, Cooper.

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Features & Details

Premium Color

Pages: 28 | Trim Size: 8.5x8.5

Genre: Juvenile

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