And the life she brings . . .

Author: Karanjodh Singh


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In his first book " And the life she brings...", Karan tried to sum up in the words that the power she/her carries. He believes that every woman holds the power to get you across all the troubles only if we believe so. He also mentions about all the magical doors that can be opened through the key of kindness and how the right love and kind heart let you see the magic that has been there but we never looked before.

Karanjodh Singh was born and raised in Punjab, India and he moved to US after his bachelors. After his high school, he realised that he's a bookworm. So he kept on jumping from one book to another until he decided to write one of his own. He has a big nose and forehead for no good reason. When not writing you can find him wandering in the nature parks, talking to dogs, or watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S or soccer on Sunday afternoons. Above all, he believes that kindness is the cure to all the wars.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 180 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Poetry

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