A Battle Within!

Author: Modesta Algarin


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My novel is about two sisters. One trying to find the other. One

sister trying to keep her identity a secret. There’s some people

involved that should not get involved and there’s some people

that shouldn’t mind their business. But at the end of it all, they

meet up with different people. So by the time you get done with

my novel you’ll be intrigue. Will these sisters meet, or will the sister

keep her secret identity to herself. I guess you will have to read my

novel to find out.

I am a mother for I am 42 years old. I was born and raised

in Brooklyn New York I’m a Hispanic proud woman and I’m

writing this book with the help of my four beautiful children

I have a 16 year old son named Christopher, A beautiful

12-year-old daughter Aurora sky and my hyper active but

loving twin boys Blake and Destined. Without their love

and their support I do this for them. I wanted to show my

kids to never give up on their dreams without my family

this was never possible.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 74 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Fiction

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