Author: M.C. Agapie


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M.C. Agapie


I do not know the country of my birth. At seven months old, I was left in the front of a children’s hospital in Bucharest, Romania, with nothing but details about my name [Maria], date of birth [August 31, 1952], and provenience on a piece of paper attached by a lace around my neck. I grew up in the same hospital for four years and then transferred to an orphanage.

After a year in that place, at the age of five, I was adopted by a couple who took me in with open arms— me, a nameless child, a nobody without a present or future. In their presence and through their example, I learned the meaning of family and their values, something that was previously unknown to me. In Romania, I received a high school diploma, learned cartography, earned a nursing certificate, and worked at a geological institute as a mechanical drafter in the cartography department.

Over the years, in Romania, there were a few attempts against my life. All these criminal actions had a negative effect on my development, and I became paranoid and insecure. After too many unpleasant incidents, I decided to leave Communist Romania.

This decision was not based on the political turmoil at that time but for personal reasons.

I wanted to protect the life of my children from unexpected attacks.

In 1981, I migrated with my family to New York City, USA. It was difficult as a new immigrant. First of all, I did not have sufficient knowledge of the English language. After two weeks, I was hired at Zaro’s Bread and Basket, in the baking department. Aside from fulfilling my job and full family responsibilities, I was determined to properly learn the English language and the terminologies in cartography to be able to obtain the same position I had in Romania.

In 1984, I was hired at Hagstrom Map Corporation as a cartographer, and all my efforts were rewarded. I worked there for a good few years until the day my right leg became paralyzed, which turned me into a disabled person. At the advice of a neurosurgeon, that there was a possibility of both my legs being paralyzed, I took the chance of having a surgery, which was successful.

Now, I walk with a cane for support. I am the type of person who, when I face major difficulties, I cry for a while but then pick myself up and fight like a warrior.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 220 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Biography

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