Complex Spiritual Treasures of Scriptural Articulation

Author: Zachary Daniel Viola


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An intellectual masterpiece in reference to biblical scripture that projects an abundance of light filled knowledge and descriptions toward various portions of the Word of God. A commentary style informative expression of explanations relating to the interpretation of selected chapters and verses chosen from the Bible.

A twenty seven year old disciple and child of God who has experienced the light of the Gospel, heavy affliction, the Divine nature and extreme tribulation in his walk with God and Christ. This book was written in strong and true faith in the Trinity and Bible and is a mysterious revelation of an experienced Christian who has been through the ups and downs, the good and bad in his Christian walk and life experiences of spiritual establishment and perfection through sanctification. An edifying letter of encouragement and inspiration derived from a holy, righteous and godly individual who has desired to reach the church and the world with his knowledge and truth, gained through first hand receival of the Bible and other sources of the Lord's written and spoken word.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 90 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Religion

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