Author: Charles Dean Bowser


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Living in a world where one is destined to come short of the glory of God, my struggles and falls have hardened me to understand what life had to offer me until God stepped in. With each journey and detour I took it became apparent that I was of no use to myself or to others. Being Damaged from the beginning I was unable to understand the true meaning of peace. I turned to God over and over again reaching and grasping for self control. Only to find out it wasn’t about my way of understanding but God’s mercy and timing to fulfill my destiny. My book is about how God made me over and kept me.

Growing up in the projects in a single-mothers home, forced into religion, only to be pressured into the streets and criminal activities. My hope has always been to encourage others and to express the power of God. As my journey tells the story and allows me to answer my own questions of what God has been revealing to me for over forty years! Damaged “But God” is why I’m still here.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 98 | Trim Size: 5.5x8.5

Genre: Biography

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