The Devils Song and The Angels Horn

Author: Kristina Grill


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I can see them in my dreams, flashes of the stars falling from the heavens, blood soaking the ground. I can feel it slithering under my skin through my veins, boiling, burning me from the inside out like lava. Humanity lost and monsters now roam the streets, while those who once ruled this paradise cower in the shadows defeated by the beasts that call themselves Angels. And those who would save them damned as if they were the Devils. A song to save the souls of the lost, a Horn that destroyed their world, and a war to last a century who will be victorious.

Kristina Grill, Author of The Devils Song and the Angels Horn, received the NIDA certificate for Clinical Research. Born in Morgan City Louisiana and raised in Miami Florida, she often went for runs at Braddock’s High School track or hung around Olympic Park playing manhunt with a group of friends. Kristina is notorious among her friends and family for always having her nose in a book and occasionally crying when something traumatic happens in the story. When she isn’t writing or reading, she’s a full-time stay-at-home mom of a loving son and full-time student at Everglades University of Miami. She loves spending time with her family and their adorable three dogs Lucy, Mocha, and Red who all three very much love to be indoors, especially in this hot Miami weather.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 106 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Fiction

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