A Dip Into Madness : A Collection of Poetry

Author: Nat El Levesque


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A Dip Into Madness begins as simple poems that were written on the daily. As time moved forward and life changed the flavor of the poetry changed with it. It is a journey of snippets of life and inspirations from one who started with a simple idea and found themselves spiraling downward into a sea of something unknown. It is a dive into the depths of a mind that finds itself broken again and again as life generates never ending obstacles. But in the end the writing itself was the key to discovering exactly what that madness was.

Nat El Levesque is an aspiring poet and author of the collection A Dip Into Madness. Explorer of their own mind and travelling the states has inspired many of their writings. Always a teller of tales they recall their first stories told between siblings at a young age all the way to the present with TTRPGs taking up much of their free time. When inspired they write any and all of their odd little thoughts down no matter how strange. One never knows when such a snippet can grow into an entire story.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 108 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Poetry

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