A Doctor's Torah Thoughts

Author: Anthony Rebuck


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During the years in which we lived and worked in Singapore, it was the Rabbi's practice to invite members of the congregation to say a few words during the meal at the end of the Sabbath. The Synagogue in Singapore is Sephardic, so having an Ashkenazi visitor such as myself who was willing to take part in the

custom was quite a novelty for the congregation. I am no Torah expert, but the combination of my British Commonwealth accent, enjoyment of storytelling and tendency to lateral thinking, nudged me into becoming the regular speaker at the 'third meal' on Saturday afternoons. I have tried in this little book, to recapture some of the talks I gave during my happy years with the community in Singapore.

Anthony Rebuck is a retired Professor of Medicine and clinical researcher. He had a long-standing tradition of telling Bible stories based on the weekly reading from the Old Testament. Here are some of his favourites, most of which have a medical flavour

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 144 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Religion

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