Ebony's Journal
Author: Charisse Diggins
Ebony Sei Bellissima (ESB) Mission Statement:
ESB brand purpose will be to empower and inspire optimism, happiness, and encouragement amongst the African American community – to be a light to one another. Our deepest purpose as a business is to help foster healthy mental discernment of self and the people surrounding self in positive ways – to inhabit positive outcomes for years to come.
Ebony’s Journal
What Is Journaling? Journaling is simply the act of informal writing as a regular practice. Journals take many forms and serve different purposes, some creative some personal. Writers/Individuals keep journals as a place to record thoughts, practice their craft, and catalogue ideas as they occur to them. I encourage and challenge you to look deep into yourself and reflect on your daily life. What inspires you, what was your motivation to complete all tasks that day. Did you have any roadblocks attempting to stop you and how did you overcome these obstacles – which resulted in your persevering.
In closing, I’ve listed a few ways to use this journal:
- Record milestones on your life journey
- Capture three things you’re grateful for each day
- Look into activities that will interest you then write about your adventures
- Journal your problems/stressors and then write possible solutions
- Take time to jot down your thoughts and feelings
I challenge you to be Your Best Self Every day! Journal your goals and aspirations and then Make Them Come True!