The End of the Earth: The Perpetual Pilgrim Book One

Author: Dr. Guylene Gigi Tree


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Many people have heard of the Camino de Santiago, the network of pilgrim trails in Spain that leads to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, northwest Spain. About ninety kilometers west is a point on the Iberian Peninsula, the furthest western point on the European continent, or the End of the Earth. The famous pilgrim trails that crisscross Europe leading to those points are called Caminos. Some people have walked them. Even more have considered walking one or more. Still, others, fascinated by the adventure, cannot walk a Camino but enjoy hearing stories of others who have done so. You will enjoy this book if you find yourself in any of these three categories.

Book One in the series “The End of the Earth” begins the stories of people of all ages, all levels of ability, and all walks of life who undertake this life-changing journey. There is much more to walking a Camino than just walking. It is the beginning into the unknown walk of life. There is much to learn about yourself, your relations, your life, and your world. It all begins with that first step. But be aware, there is no end. Once you start your Camino, you become a pilgrim for life, a Perpetual Pilgrim.

Dr Guylene Gigi Tree, a musicologist and professional musician, has traded in the scholarly writing pen and picked up the fun travel writer pen. A born traveler, adventurer, and explorer of the trail less taken, Gigi lives by the motto, if your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough. She resides in Arizona with her husband, who is also a musician. Both French Horn symphony musicians have performed for audiences locally and in Europe. They share a passion for music and travel, and their adventure continues.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 160 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Travel

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