Flotsam & Jetsam - And Other Beach Treasures

Author: Dean E. Nichols & Annette P. Zack


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The place where the ocean meets the land has always been a magical place for kids and adults alike. It’s a place where lots of living things exist and thrive. It’s also a place where things wash up on shore from faraway places. Treasures from far and near that attract the interest of kids the world over and all you need to do is look for them. That’s what this book is all about. Kids searching the shoreline for shells, crabs, small fish, jellyfish, net floats, Indian artifacts and a host of other critters and treasures, including a lot of trash jettisoned off large and small vessels alike. Hopefully, this book will excite young children about the prospects and the fun of searching the shore for treasures and help them understand the importance of keeping our oceans and shores clear of trash.

Dean E. Nichols

I’ve enjoyed visiting and living on the water almost all my life. I currently reside on an Island in the San Juan archipelago in Washington State. My family took numerous boating vacations when I was growing up and I bought my first boat (16 feet with a 25hp engine) when I was 16 years old. I’ve owned power boats, sailboats and have skippered a 28-foot sailboat from Seattle to Juneau, Alaska. In addition, I’ve sailed the British Virgin Islands and have taken numerous boat trips in the San Juan Islands and the Gulf Islands of British Columbia. My family and I have always searched the shores on those trips, dug clams, gathered mussels and tried to find historical spots that we had read about in books. Beachcombing never ceases to capture my interest and spark my imagination.


Annette P. Zack

I grew up in the Pacific Northwest. As a child, I spent many days at the beach with my parents and four siblings. Playing in the surf, picking oysters and digging for clams were our main activities. As an adult, along with my husband and two daughters, we took many trips to the Oregon Coast. We would visit the Marine Museum and search the beach for treasures. We also spent a lot of time along the Canadian Coast hiking, camping and building sandcastles. Flying kites and walks on the beach were great adventures. Now my grandchildren are developing a love for the beach and it’s many fascinating aspects. I have been an artist for over 30 years and paint in both watercolors and oils.

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Features & Details

Premium Color

Pages: 30 | Trim Size: 11x8.5

Genre: Children

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