The Gospel of Mary Magdalena And Me
Author: Rethy Devi
I'm pleased to introduce my novel" I have invested last 10 years of my life researching. writing and rewriting this book. More than 500 books I have read before, I wrote this novel. Born out of diversity each of these women lived apart for centuries without any meeting, finally, provides a context and a narrative style unique to this novel. And it unravels a freshness of spirit. The tug of war between the ideologies of the east and west, the interplay of similarities in human nature spread over a vast expanse of time help interpret and understand herself. The story draws its inspiration from my interest in the intriguing nature of feminist ideas alongside spirituality and sexuality. It was a sincere effort to highlight my passion for feminist philosophies, psychology and politics. I chose to write a fiction as I enjoy telling stories and found it a good medium to weave in my other interests in sociology, history, metaphysics and quantum physics.
The first part of the novel deals with the recital of life experiences of Mary Magdalene, who lived nearly two thousand years ago. there was a noble woman called Lexmi who lived in modern era. In the second part, Lexmi relates to Mary Magdalene, her woes as a philosopher and her frustrations reflective of life in today's world. War is just like terrorism, 20 million people died in the two world Wars and 10 million people vanished at the time of partition of India. My novel is seriously discussing these issues.