Author: Dr. Mahmoud Sous, Bhoomika Pathak & Priyanka Yadav


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Do you want to improve your health and well-being? This book, developed by Dr. Sous and his team will help you

to think out of the box for your pain and impairments with a holistic approach like soft tissue release, Swedish

massage, herbs, and herb-infused oil recipes. This approach has gained much demand nowadays as not only

one single thing can pain. We need to incorporate all the method which work on pain, fastens the recovery

process, and promotes individual well-being. In addition, there is an increasing trend of using Swedish massage

for relaxation which is also as an important rehabilitation tool for clients. In this book you will learn, first-hand, how to assess your pain

and impairments, as well as how to maintain, rehabilitate, and augment these techniques to relieve pain. The book breaks down in detail

basic and advanced techniques covering all the joints of body as well as some common conditions.

Apart from these techniques, this book also provides a thorough knowledge of herbs and its effects in various conditions. By the end

of the book, you will be enlightened by numerous recipes for pain relief and relaxation. Also, there is a guide for the benefits of healthy

diet. When these things are combined the purpose of treatment and well-being is achieved.

Dr. Mahmoud Sous – Ph.D.

During the period of 1995-1999, I went to the medical school in Poland to research about the

various methods of back pain treatment. After finishing my PhD, I took variety of courses including

naturopath, acupuncture, and manual techniques. This gave me an idea that exercises, and

massage could be helpful in treatment of chronic pain. But my findings didn’t stop me here, I

also worked as a naturopath practitioner in Canada where I got familiar about treatments with

Chinese medicines, osteopath techniques and some other manual therapies which helps in pain


Fixing injuries requires an understanding of anatomy and biomechanics. That is why my research

and treatment belong to the holistic approach of using different techniques and remedies for the

treatment of back pain. In 1990, I realize that there are some complex spinal aspects and issues

which leads to of back pain. So, from my case studies I formulated a guideline which is clear and

easy to understand and will fix your issues.

My goal is to help people visualize how the body functions and what happens inside when you

experience pain. Healing requires to focus on one’s action because pain results due to faulty actions and movements. This thought

motivated me to work on a book which will include all home remedies where people can treat themselves to fix their pain. I have included

knowledge based on my clinical research using manual massage therapy, food habits, nutrition facts, heat, sauna, hydrotherapy, cold

water treatments which overall helps in pain management. It gives me pleasure to introduce this book to the community where I have

shared all my experienced treatment plans.

Bhoomika Pathak (Physiotherapist)

After graduating in 2014, I have been working with various clinical conditions like sports injury, musculoskeletal

injury, and neurological disorders for 7 years. Along with Dr. Mahmoud, I have worked on treatment and pain

management for back pain population. With all the successful outcomes till now, we have designed a home

remedy book with 24-hour stepwise guide to treat your back pain.

Priyanka Yadav (Physiotherapist)

Since completing my study in Physiotherapy, I always aspired to work for the society. Seeing people suffering

motivated me to work for this book. Along with Dr. Mahmoud, I have been constantly working with various use

of herbs and its effects in pain management.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 154 | Trim Size: 8.5x11

Genre: Health & Fitness

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