HUMAN: A message for the people

Author: Princeton The Poet


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Human is the representation of the title within itself. This body of work speaks on the multitude of experiences I have had or witnessed as a human. It takes you on a journey mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Human touches on topics about self love, growth, loving those and the world around you and within, following your passions to lead you to your purpose and being present, grateful, thankful, and impactful!

My name is Princeton The Poet. The reason I go by that name is because The very first memories I had were experiences from a house on Princeton Street in Akron, OH, which is the city I was raised in. So because many of my memories started there and much of my writing stimmed from that house I thought is was fitting to go by that name. When I was in my mothers womb the doctors told her to abort me because I was going to be born with complications and would not be able to function as a normal human being and that I would not be able to walk! My mother and some members of her religious congregation would pray over me while in my mothers womb. It took three days beyond my initial delivery date for my mother to give birth to me due to complications. However, January 6th, 1991 at 4:57pm I was born a full functioning human baby boy! My mothers associate who prayed over me told my mother I was a miracle child in further detail, her "New Order Baby". I never understood while growing up what that meant but along my journey, I believe I am starting to figure it out. I came in this world a fighter and I will fight until the very end! I'm Interesting because I overcome!

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Features & Details

Premium Color

Pages: 84 | Trim Size: 8.5x8.5

Genre: Poetry

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