A Journey: Life Told Through Poetry

Author: Holly Novak


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This book is about life, but not just any life; my life. Inspiration came from and continues to come from things in my life. This unconventional life story is told through poetry covering several topics; inspirational, feelings, country life for example. Throughout reading this book, I hope to help at least one person to feel understood and that they’re not alone, or inspired or encouraged. Words are powerful, no matter how they’re said or read. Words can build you up, comfort you, and bring you peace. These words aren’t empty, they’re written with meaning and hopefully, if you decide to read some of these words, they can convey the emotions and hope they were written with.

Life was never easy growing up in the R.M. of Loon Lake, Saskatchewan. Luxuries were and are few and the life of a poor hay farmer doesn’t make it better. For my hardships, however, I take solace in my hobby writing. When I’m not writing, I’m often gaming or working things out with my awesome life coach, when I’m not doing that, I enjoy fishing and spending time outside with my pets. I’ve always taken writing inspiration from events and memories in my life. When I feel the desire to write, I can sit down with a pen and paper and just let the words flow with little effort. Many, if not most of my poems, come to fruition through emotion.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 186 | Trim Size: 5.5x8.5

Genre: Poetry

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