A Journey Within My Destination
Author: Jayden Sway
A Journey Within My Destination Is a spinoff of My Original book The Scars Beneath Me’’ it continues The story of how a Jayden Sway Goes on this mind blowing Journey to discover that there are all types of family values. And how some families are not at all what they say they are Jayden had to discover the hard truth of the person she called important made up lies of her and betrayed her emotionally and physically to where she got other family member involved to continue her heart shattering abuse. Jayden felt alone, until she came across A spitting image of one of her sisters who was going through the same thing but unfortunately her sister had no idea what was going on, Jayden sway couldn’t sit there and watch it happen so Jayden become A solder to helping her sister to the promised land of Good health and a good life. Hoping one day the truth would set her free.