Just a Reminder: A 60-Day Devotional

Author: Stacey A. Thomas


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God has invited me into the privilege of remembering how he has loved me and never left my side especially during the epidemic of hard times.

I call this devotional Just a Reminder because I remember in June 16, 2017, I rededicated my life back over to God. It was in this day that I started writing. I was nothing but a toddler in my spiritual walk with Christ, a sinner, and a prisoner. I would have never thought that the Lord would have chosen a person with my caliber of misery, anger, and hurt. It was then that I was reminded of God and his love. So this devotional is not just a reminder for others but a reminder for myself as well. A reminder that if the Lord, our Father, can take the misery of a sinner like me (through surrender) and turn it into a ministry, he will do the same thing for you.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 88 | Trim Size: 5.5x8.5

Genre: Religion

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