Leadership At Its Best

Author: Dr. Emily Capati Gaddi


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The purpose of this book is to use the new educational knowledge in Organizational Leadership to discover and implement a system that would begin the process of improving the company’s productivity and profitability. The objective is to help organizations understand why and how to institute changes needed to provide better and more sustainable financial benefits to bring training and educational development to the leaders as well as employees. In order to reach these goals and objectives to assist the organization bring about change for the leaders as well as employees. As a leader, they must fully understand and use as many change models as required to do the best job possible. After extensive research and study, the author chose to use the change models of Kotter’s Eight Step Change Model and The 21st Century Town Meeting. How the author used these models is described in detail in the book. 

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 80 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Business & Economics

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