Life is What You Make It

Author: Paul Sedlak


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Life Is What You Make It  is about the author's experience with God and the universe, on how he accomplished his big dreams in life, and the lessons he learned along the way. He believes that even though his goals and problems may be different from yours, a solution is available for you just as it was for him. He doesn't believe that our dreams truly come from us alone but from the creator of the universe. If HE put it in us, HE has definitely a plan on how to accomplish it.

His part, just like us, is to listen and follow without prejudice and to stop being the one who wants to be in control all the time. If this book helps the readers see that God's way does work, then the author has done his job.

Paul Sedlak (originally Pavel Sedla'k) is the first from the Sedlak's family, who hails from the Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia), to immigrate to America. He wasn't looking for wealth or fame but the chance to discover who he truly is and what he is capable of accomplishing, without anylimitations stopping him along the way. While searching for strength and wisdom within himself, he found strength and wisdom from the creator of the universe, GOD.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 120 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Biography

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