The Longest Journey : My Story A Memoir

Author: Tyler Madaski


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The Longest Journey My Story is a story of Faith, Honor, Love, Survival and the fight for freedom. In this book the readers will see what many terrifying things go on in the systems we live in each day along with people in Northern Saskatchewan the many things they do that are truly horrendous. The facts that lay hidden of Girls as old as 15 years old being sodomized by two Men after they got them drunk under age in a bar. To then costing one man the love of his life after he tried to help get justice for those Girls. The Longest Journey My Story with Part 2 Out Cast The End tells of the story one man had to live there and the fear of not being able to live again nor be free.

My name is Tyler Madaski I am the first born child of a young couple back in the early 90’s. I was born in Northern Saskatchewan and raised all over the Province in the Child Services System. I started my Journey as a writer back when I was 9 years old a little over 20 years ago. In that time I have had the pleasure to work in the agricultural field farming, from then studying Taxidermy and later open my own shop. I have also being running my own at home business for the same amount of time I’ve been writing for called Carter’s Electronics.

I have also experience in the School district. Lastly in early 2012 I was asked to be a part of studying Criminal Law I done few years of studying The Criminal Code before stepping away. At the age of 4 year of age my Father started to self-enroll me in The Martial Arts with Kung Fu and Karate. Now for 26 years and 4 years of teaching experience in the Martial Arts and becoming a well experienced Master in Aikido and others. I feel my life has been lived in a lot of ways but in my life I had been in Hundreds of fights and won every one of them, but only lost one the fight to save my love Jenny from being taken away from me and the fight to somehow live again.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 256 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Biography

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