Make America Great Again, For Who? - A Combination of Writings

Author: Blue Seven-Seven


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When reading this book, Make America Great Again, For Who? You will allow the author to take you on a journey that will allow you to see and feel the growing pains of America. You will also note how the religious fundamentalist have taken measures to control this country since it has begun. You will also note how the religious fundamentalist attempts to control the action of others such as the LBGTQ+ citizens and those citizens who would like to gamble in order to achieve the American dream. The author makes note of those who have taken and are still taking away the peace, comfort, and freedom of others in order to satisfy their needs. The author also provides information in a way that will allow the people to search their souls and feel empathy for others. The author would like Americans to realize the people that were destroyed as this country was growing and being established. The author noted that many Americans, young and old will see and realize the pain and suffering others endured as the first settlers came and took advantage of the Native people, took their land at will and put them on reservations. Americans today must be made aware that the pride they feel, is over shadowed by the pain and suffering of others. The author also notes, although our country is very much divided by many things, some of which are false and some of which are misunderstood. The author says we still have a chance to be the best we can be as a country. So, he would like to challenge each and every American to apply some introspection and get to know who they are. This book also denotes honor to the Americans that have been and are being treated with a perpetual strong hold of injustice.

The author is a retired college administrator, psychology and criminal justice professor at a small college in Mississippi. He enrolled, advised, and maintained records for over 145 students at NAS Meridian campus each year. He also planned, organized, and evaluated classes. The author evaluated students’ transcripts for graduation. He taught psychology and conducted training, instructions, and administration for online professors and students. He monitored the administrative budget for a small college campus and reviewed the expenses quarterly. He worked as an occupational program adviser at a small college in Mississippi. He coordinated the efforts of students seeking certifications and degrees in their field of choice. He administered the ACCUPLACER test and interpreted the ACT and ACCUPLACER test scores.

The author was a graduate student, soccer coach, counselor, and instructor at the University of West Alabama in Livingston, Alabama, from August 2001 to July 2003. He coached soccer for both male and female soccer teams. He taught freshman seminar classes. He also conducted training sessions for students and staff at the University of West Alabama. He counseled and tutored students with school related difficulties as needed. The author served as an activity director for NYSP, which serviced over four hundred children between nine and sixteen years of age. The author was also an education coordinator at Pastoral Institute in Columbus, Georgia. He coordinated and facilitated professional education development workshops. He facilitated groups to help men develop alternatives to physical violence in relationships. The author provided substance-abuse and AIDS education, counseling, and training. He maintained the files of all educational programs and arranged for media coverage and assisted in designing brochures to inform the community at large. He is a retired SFC US soldier. He served twenty-two years of demonstrated leadership in personnel, operations, logistics, counseling, and fiscal management in large, complex organizations. He conducted stress management and various other presentations. He designed and implemented a stress management system for employees and supervisors which impacted favorably on supervisor-subordinate relations, resulting in an increase in work performance. He performed substance-abuse and crisis- intervention counselor duties for three military divisions. He supervised the gathering and utilization of appropriate statistical data in order to prepare required reports for unit and division commanders.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 106 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: History

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