Not Just for Me but for You

Author: Maurice Cade


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This book is my personal revelation that I received while I studied the bible and Christianity. As I grew and learned more my whole world was changed by a simple shift in perspective. This book is an invitation to shift your perspective if only for a moment and change the narrative that you tell yourself about life. It's an invitation to reclaim all the power that you may have placed externally and return it back to the source...... you.

I am a 34 year old truth seeker. One of my biggest flaws and strengths is that I hate to not know. This has led me through everyone of my personal journeys that I embark on with a scientific mindset. I was raised in the Christian church, but my need for consistency in what I believed in made me question all my teachers and when they couldn't answer my questions, I went in search of my answers. This search has led me through Buddhism, Taoism, reading through the Quran and I saw much of the same truth in each of these religions. My first teachers thought that me looking into other religions

would lead me astray but it led me to an understanding that there are universal truths that not even culture, race, or religion can deny. I love similarities and connections so my brain is almost trained to find and identify them. Oh and I'm a Pisces and I love taking long walks on the beach.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 58 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Religion

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