Prevent and Defeat Cancer Naturally

Author: E. R. (Ron) Harder


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Prevent And Defeat Cancer Naturally

Finally, a book that tells it like it is. A book that tells the truth

about cancer, and explains in very simple language how

cancer gets started in our body, how we can prevent that from

happening, and what we need to do to defeat any cancer that

we may have.

It starts with a discussion of how the process of digestion in

our body works, and explains why proper digestion is so vital

to our good health. It helps us to understand why it is the

things that we consume that are the key to all of our health


This book explains in detail why the toxins that we accumulate

in our body are the underlying cause of all disease, including

cancer. It stresses the need for us to clean our body internally

so that cancer cannot develop within us, and explains in a few

simple steps how we can go about doing that.

Read this book to find out how you can prevent cancer from

developing within you, how you can defeat any cancer that

you may have, and how you can achieve the high level of

health that you deserve.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 210 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Medical

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