Protect Your Soul

Author: Adrianna Ramnaidu


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“Protect your soul” is a collection of perfect imperfections, which connects you to your inner self. Touching upon topics such as self- love, heart ache, and the trauma anxiety has on oneself. Connecting the diverse reality with women and their misunderstood beauty and perilous nature. The main goal with “Protect your soul” is for you to understand that you’re not alone– to confront your feelings and sit with your trauma, to then be able to exist with your trauma. Get to this place in your mind where you feel so comfortable you can rely on yourself for all the emotional support you need. You can get through this book, believing you can get to the place you need to be where you can be unconditionally supportive of yourself.

Growing up in a place such as NYC really means always being on go, Adrianna always turned to poetry as an outlet. Going to Culinary school to follow her passion of working in the culinary field, creating confections for her family and friends brought joy– was her way of showing she loved. Growing up with immigrant parents seeing their struggle, holding in her feelings for the sake of others made this book so precious to her– she is her most vulnerable self with you. Now her goal is to dive into people’s souls and bring reassurance, the reassurance she never got.

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This collection of poems is a reminder that we all have physical and mental injuries minor or major. This makes us special.

“Protect Your Soul” is that one group of poems that feel reminiscent of something that lowered our guard down and harmed us in some way. That Nobody is invincible, and those who know how to wield their guard from danger well deal with injury just as much. Some make forgetting look effortless some make getting over something look flawless and easy. We run from our vulnerability and How we run is just as important as if we run. These poems welcome you to the highs and the lows of your emotional spirit’s journey , and how your vulnerabilities make the shine of your soul personal to you. I recommend this book to those who feel like they want to understand transparent and raw energy. Like entering the mind of emotion with no walls to defend itself.

by Jake Vazquez

Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 118 | Trim Size: 5.5x8.5

Genre: Poetry

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