Radioactive Robot Zombies

Author: Christopher Aurand


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Far in the future humankind faces its greatest threat. Earth is becoming inhabitable, and humankind must set to the stars to find a new home. Five gigantic universal explorers are man’s last-ditch effort. These vessels will travel across the galaxy searching for a new planet to inhabit. The story begins by introducing a new cast of characters in the middle of terraforming a planet to be habitable. Unexpected events lead to an apocalyptic invasion with a tragic outcome for the two brothers. Join Professor Aurahawlk, Captain Adrian Winstar, Commander Cain Sayzar, his bother Able, and a cool A.I. robot Marpitt in Radioactive Robot Zombies.

It has always been a dream of mine to draw a comic book. Inspired by Kevin

Eastman and Peter Larid and a long-time fan of TMNT, I wanted to be part,

contributed, or honor the black and white comic era (my favorite comics).

Radioactive Robot Zombies story came from the idea for a band that I was

trying to put together called Uranium Faucet. The Album name was metallic

death, and I had made a short comic to go in the book that would come with

the CD. I took that story and character, and thought what it would do. I came

up with 5 part breakdown story for it. Naturally, an oversized black and white

comic series was my answer.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 50 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Comics & Graphic Novel

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