Rebuild Your Business: Get it Safe, Keep it Safe

Author: Mike Wolf


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If you own a business with one to 30 employees, or are thinking of being in business, you’re uncomfortable with

money talk, and just want to do what you are passionate about, this book is for you. Profit is critical or you have

a hobby. Profit is fundamental or you created a job for yourself and might earn more working for someone else.

But, if you are serious about having a business for years to come, you would do yourself a great disservice by not

reading this book.

The information in this book is unavailable anywhere else. Not in business schools. Not learned on the job. Not

passed down from others. It was gleaned from over a half century of working with global corporations. No one

company provided all the material. Executives from seventy-two global companies went the distance to help

Mike Wolf prove the outcome of Kanketa.

Since 1965, Mike Wolf served as a speech writer, trainer, executive coach and consultant to CEOs and Senior Management of Global Fortune 1,000 enterprises. During his career, he created hundreds of

marketing campaigns for U.S. and offshore companies. Mr. Wolf's extensive background across many industries, from manufacturing, to service, retail, trade and non-profits paved the way to KANKETA, "Journey In Balance", a unique, holistic philosophy for operating a small business. Kanketa's proven management methodology is not taught in business schools anywhere. Kanketa helps small business owner achieve personal financial freedom owning their own businesses. Kanketa is commonly referred to as the Science of Small Business Management. The mission of Kanketa Global Systems is to transform small businesses with 30 or less employees into high performing companies. The Kanketa system continues to create dramatic results in significantly reduced time frames for small business owners across the globe.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 216 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Business & Economics

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