Scattered Memory Beads

Author: Ed Monosov


Item Summary

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This book is a collection of autobiographical stories that will forever remain in my memory. These are

stories about people dear to my heart who shaped my and other children characters in difficult postwar


I have overcome the eighty first step of my life ladder ... The hardened resin of warm amber beads in the

necklace of my life keep in my memory the images of people who did not let the soul of a lonely boy freeze in

the in the twists and turns of life.

I remember absolutely nothing about myself and my family before the start of World War II, before our

evacuation to the outback of Russia, Bashkiria, Tatarstan ... just a blank spot. The first amber bead of memory

was born under the Nazi bombardment of our echelon of refugees heading to the east; an echelon of

unfortunates like me and my mother from besieged Leningrad, Muscovites and many other thousands of

families from the occupied territories of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

War. Evacuation. Freight trains ... And then ... Then moving from place to place and finally clatter of

the wheels takes someone to ashes, and someone to a new incomprehensible life, probably, also similar to

ashes ...

Hard school years, the life upheavals and many, many good meetings ...and many, many good meetings ...

Children’s hobbies led to the profession of a scientist.

Gloomy 10 years of life in the “refusal” of permission to leave Russia;

25 years of intensive scientific life in the USA; raising our son; and finally my retirement on December 31,


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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 210 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Biography

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