Seeing Blindly

Author: Steve Wachtel


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Poems written from observations, inner searching, sudden insights. My poetry has been called accessible and indeed I make an effort not to be obscure or mysterious. These poems were written before and many after COVID. They are usually short but several are a longer fit.

I was reared both in Brooklyn and in Long Island. I was blessed with parents, relatives and friends who encouraged me to write and often were supportive in their views. I was fortunate too to attend the Farmingdale Long Island public schools where there were many fine teachers who encouraged my writing and helped develop it. I wrote truly terrible poetry until the fall of 1976 when I became a volunteer big brother for a child in my community.

I was with him in a park about dusk and as I gazed at the sky some beautiful poetic thoughts jumped into my head! Two days later the same thing happened and I have been writing ever since. I have 7 poetry books published as well as 7 children’s books.

Writing is my favorite hobby and helps keep me half-sane!

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Black & White

Pages: 74 | Trim Size: 5.5x8.5

Genre: Poetry

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