Sincerely, A Broken Heart

Author: Lawfield Jallayu


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“Sincerely, A Broken Heart” was simply a therapist. A distraction from reality that allowed me to speak freely. It was the imaginary friend I was ashamed to have, yet it slowly blossomed into a written reflection of my deepest thoughts. Without any intention of becoming a book, it was nothing more than a journal that promised to keep my secrets. With my intrepidity and faith entitled to every phrase, it became a collection of words I was always afraid to say. Among each poem, a piece of myself is revealed and I have high hopes that this journal of mine will help you accept yourself for your known or unknown talents, as I’ve accepted mine.

 I’m Lawfield Jallayu. I enjoy reading, exercising, and learning new things. But I’m everything but simple. From the amount of times I change clothes throughout the day, to the way I make my bed every night. What makes me adore this fun fact about myself is that I can count on my unique characteristics to comfort me during draining dilemmas. And I appreciate myself for bringing this attitude towards every poem. While they’re indeed personal to me, I intend for them to be relatable for readers of all ages, cultures, and background. Please enjoy.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 82 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Academia

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