Twisted Adversaries: Volume 1

Twisted Adversaries: Volume 1



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A trio-based friendship of men swore to create a successful business together no matter the struggle. At that time, they were employed with an investor network firm.

Unfortunately, one of the three men, Wayne Whittaker, cause embarrassment and scandal by selling various drugs to employees throughout the company firm. This caused a rift between the trio of men, leaving Wayne abandoned and rejected. The other two remaining men, Joshua Feldmarr and Oscar Burton, went on to develop the company called CALD (Construction, Architecture, Landscaping, and Drafting).

Due to the breach of their verbal contract, it broke their vow, which caused and formed Twisted Adversaries between them. Let’s watch and see how it all unfolds.

A born Detroiter, now resides in Westland, Michigan. Where he continues to create awesome fictional novels for his excited readers. His Volume 2 follows right after this extraordinary work. Enjoy!

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 522 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Fiction

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