The Unseen

Author: Dar el Le


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This reference book simply focuses on the basic carcinogenic and allergenic effects of every single ingredient used in the USA, when their ingested AND is least focused on when these ingredients are inhaled or applied. The purpose of this document is to help identify or highlight the Unseen ingredients used in the commercial food industry. This document will help identify the unknown side effects of common or uncommon food additives, its safety/danger, deeper meaning, origin and purpose and will verify their validity.

Coming from the Caribbean, Dar’el Le is a Fighter, independent epidemiologist, health specialist and writer. Having the opportunity to work in the Medical industry where he processes vaccines, blood tests and other forms of protected health information in relations to oncology, urology and virology. He worked his way up psychologically to being one of the top intellectuals in his profession. However, on his spare time he’s an inspired writer, working mainly with the genre sci-fi, with this book ‘The Unseen’ being his first nonfiction informational published project.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 106 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Self-Help

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