Untarnished Relationships

Author: Thelma Coleman


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All of life’s experiences: the good, the bad, and the ugly are relevant to one’s destiny.

  • Upon conception, a new birth is selected for a specific purpose that the Creator has designed for it.
  • Relationships, fellowships and alliances are necessary to groom and maintain the designated vessel by education and shaping by which this unique human being that the creator had in mind when He called the mother and the father to mate and create.
  • Having given all the needed ingredients to produce this unique, designated vessel by the parents, the Creator gives the gift of pleasure. The parents are abundantly rewarded with explosive, unexplainable emotions comparable to that of a missile or a rocket being launched from earth into space.
  • This phenomenal experience is imprinted on the memories of the parents for a lifetime and this experience could not have occurred without relationship.
  • The author has concluded after scurrying around on this earth for several score and one decade, that she has experienced a tremendous amount of self-sabotage and sabotage by others through relationships. She thinks that she short-changed herself by minimizing the importance and not accepting many experiences which might have added to a more positive self-image and development.
  • I feel a strong sense of gratitude to all who have helped me along the way (even those who set traps that I was able to escape).

I am a black female, from rural Mississippi. I am the youngest of four girls birthed into a marriage where the bride and groom were incongruent in the areas of age, economic status and religious denomination. Daddy was 20 years older than Mama who was 40 when I was born. Daddy was financially stable and Mama was from a family with meager means. However, the chemistry was very much intact. There were three older girls birthed by midwife aid to this union. I was such a difficult birth that Mama had to be driven over 60 miles to a hospital where she would finally give birth to me by Cesarean Delivery about three days later.

I did not have a long time to study the two as Mama decided to end the marriage when I was two years old. Daddy died several days before my 12th birthday. Trauma became my normal thereafter. However, I immediately learned to become resilient. Resiliency was my ticket to survival both mentally and physically. I could not have experienced such resiliency without those relationships that I formed along the way. I have come to know what “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens”, actually means. (Eccles. 3:1 NIV)

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 96 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Self-Help

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