A Walk Through Darkness

Author: mleabea


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A Walk Through Darkness was inspired by healing through channeling the hurt, the disbelief, the emotional pain, the release, the hope, and the coming to terms with finding within oneself the determination to pick up the pieces when life knocks you down, whether that be from someone or something. We can embrace the pain, process it, and pick up the pieces for a new day, a new beginning. Even if we’re losing hope, it comes back around.

mleabea is an aspiring author and the owner of Love Laugh Live Sweeter, LLC with the website: lovelaughlivesweeter.com. She is also a LCMT, Reiki master, and Yoga instructor through her business as owner and operator of Serene Healing Massage & Reiki. In addition, she holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Capella University where she graduated Summa Cum Laude and will soon be graduating with her Master’s degree in Psychology. Her background, as well as her being an intuitive empath, lends her spiritual and professional insight on private and personal relationships.

mleabea always tries to see beauty in the world yet sometimes faces challenges and pain that require self-healing. She strives to help others heal, and her writing demonstrates that you are not alone, and there is always hope. Her book is somewhat autobiographical in nature but offers other clues to help in difficult relationships, as well as the feeling of hope and victory. Her story is compelling, intelligent, and at times angry and heartfelt. mleabea is the mother of three amazing children and enjoys spending time with her close friends and other wonderful people who continue to inspire her.

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Truly enjoyed the dark tangible words that are heartfelt, compelling, resonating with the depths of love and heartbreak. The author takes you along on a journey through darkness into the light of a new day. Each reader has their own experience through the different fonts, illustrations, and experiences.

by Missy

Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 72 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Poetry

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