The War Within

Author: Ashly Hill


Item Summary

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The poems in this book are about the constant battle or the war within

an addicts mind. The war of emotions and denial, the grief and the guilt.

Encompasses the need to cling to mind altering substances, and also the

need to let them go. These pages also go into the addicts mind when

it comes to growth and empowerment of sobriety along with everyday

struggles and happiness. The loss of love and redefining who a person is

by love, laughter and tears. The beautiful blossom of a mother given a

second chance.

The growth that resides in all of these emotions properly expressed. A

reminder to be kind and compassionate, to help instead of judging. Never

ending is the struggle to be better than we were yesterday, never ending is

the war within us all.

Born and raised in MA, Ashly now resides in Maine with her three

children and her dog. She has lived all over the United States but has

settled down in Maine after the birth of the youngest two of her children.

This is also where she has received the most help and support to overcome

her addiction and to make her amends to those who loved her through it.

Ashly has overcome addiction and seeks to help others with the same or

similar struggles. Poetry has always been an emotional outlet for Ashly,

after much persuasion she finally agreed to the public viewing of her most

vulnerable art, the words expressed across random pieces of paper, napkins

and book margins.

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Ashly goes deep In exposing the truth of addiction. A must read for all those in recovery

by Samantha

Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 48 | Trim Size: 5.5x8.5

Genre: Poetry

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