Wish Upon a Star

Author: Christiane Dutrisac


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After wishing upon a star one night, a series of unfortunate incidents leads to the loss of Josie's senses... all but one. How will she function? How will she persevere? Who would've thought that her wish would come true and save the day in various ways!

A french version will follow. Une version française suivra.

Un soir, après avoir souhaité sur une étoile, une série d’événements malheureux entraîne la perte des sens à Josie… tous sauf un. Comment va-t-elle fonctionner? Comment va-t-elle persévérer? Qui aurait pensé que son souhait se réaliserait et viendrait à son secours de diverses façons!

Christiane Dutrisac is a Wolfram Syndrome survivor who wants to bring hope to children bearing the burden of this condition. Just as the main character Josie loses the use of each of her senses except touch, Christiane is losing her

senses due to WS.

Her talented 10 year old daughter, Sophie, is aspiring to be an artist one day and makes a beautiful contribution to this project. Many thanks to you Sophie!

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Features & Details

Premium Color

Pages: 32 | Trim Size: 8.5x11

Genre: Juvenile

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