What Do Writers Have in Common? 10 Habits Behind Every Successful Writer

Writing is a craft that many strive to master, yet few ever truly do. To become a successful writer, you must have certain habits that are essential to your success. If you're looking to become a successful writer yourself, then you'll want to learn the ten habits all successful writers have in common.

Writing isn't something that comes easily to everyone and having the right habits can make it much easier. Habits like setting achievable goals and taking breaks from writing can be incredibly helpful in making sure you stay on track with your writing projects. Knowing these habits can give you an edge when it comes to becoming a successful writer.

The best part about these habits is that anyone can pick them up and start using them immediately. All it takes is some dedication and commitment, which will help you develop better writing skills and create more successful pieces of work. So if you're ready to take the plunge into successful writing, let's take a look at the ten habits all successful writers have in common!

1. They Develop A Writing Routine

Developing a writing routine is key for successful writers. It's something they have in common that helps them stay productive and focused. Establishing a routine gives writers time to brainstorm ideas and create content without distraction or feeling rushed.

Having a plan for when, where and how to write is important for successful writers. If they don't have a routine, it can be difficult to stay motivated, especially during long-term projects. Writers should also block out time in their schedule for research and editing, as these tasks are just as important as the actual writing process.

Successful writers also recognize when their creative juices need some rest. Taking breaks from writing can help give them the motivation they need to finish their project on time. Breaks also allow them to come back with fresh ideas and renewed focus on what needs to be done.

Staying organized and setting achievable goals are the two main elements of any writer's routine. These things will help keep them on track and make sure each task gets completed efficiently and effectively. They'll also ensure that the writer feels confident in their work by the end of each day, giving them momentum to move forward with the next step of their project.

2. They Read Constantly

Reading is an essential habit of all successful writers. They understand that reading equips them with knowledge, skills, and language necessary for writing. Therefore, they read constantly to improve their craft.

By reading, successful writers become more familiar with the conventions of grammar and spelling. This can be especially helpful when it comes to understanding difficult topics or subjects they are not as knowledgeable about. It also helps them to recognize patterns in their own writing, which can lead to more cohesive pieces of work.

In addition to improving writing ability, consistent reading also helps successful writers stay up-to-date on current literature and trends in their field. This allows them to remain competitive within the industry and gives them a greater understanding of the market they are targeting with their writing.

Successful writers know that reading is a key component of success — it's an ongoing process they do not take lightly. By dedicating time each day to read books, articles, blogs, or even tweets related to their field, successful writers gain new ideas and insights that inform and inspire their writing projects.

3. They Outline Their Work

In the creative writing process, one of the most important pieces of the puzzle is outlining. Outlining can be a great way to organize your thoughts, plan out potential plot points, and make sure that all of your ideas are jelling together in a cohesive way. It's no surprise then that many successful writers have this as part of their habits.

Before beginning any sort of writing project, it's wise to create an outline. This helps to ensure that all necessary details and ideas are included in your story or essay. Outlines also allow you to easily move around themes and plot points if needed without having to start from scratch on each idea. They can give you a great roadmap for what needs to come next in your work without having to rely on memory or taking chances with where you'd like the story to go.

A well-crafted outline can also help writers when they inevitably hit writer's block. In these cases, going back over an outline can give writers a refresher on previous ideas and inspiration for new ones based off what was initially intended for the piece. With this tool in hand, writers can get back on track quickly and efficiently while still getting a chance to explore new possibilities within their work too.

Outlining is an essential practice for many successful writers and provides them with an invaluable resource throughout their creative process. Whether it’s used at the beginning or during moments of writer’s block, it often proves itself useful in helping writers craft stories or essays that will resonate with readers.

4. They Learn From Others

One habit all successful writers share is learning from others. They don't just look for knowledge and inspiration in their own work; they seek out the wisdom of those who have come before them. This can involve reading through books, articles, and other writing by experienced authors. It can also mean studying the techniques used by professional writers, as well as how they approach their craft. While there are many ways to learn from others, successful writers prioritize this habit in order to develop their own style and skill set.

Learning from others isn't just about taking advice, it's about absorbing what you read and applying it to your own work. When a writer studies the works of another author, they often discover new ideas and methods that can be applied to create more compelling stories or more effective argumentation. Additionally, exploring different writing styles allows a writer to understand how certain messages or themes can be conveyed more effectively. This is an important part of personal growth in any field, but especially in writing where communication is key.

Successful writers understand that if they want to improve their craft and produce quality work, they need to learn from those around them. Taking the time to study other authors' works not only helps build upon existing knowledge but also provides valuable insight into how successful authors create their works. By doing so, a writer can gain a better understanding of what makes good writing good and use that knowledge to further develop their own skillset.

5. They Don’T Wait For Inspiration

Developing and honing their craft is something all successful writers take seriously. They don't wait around for inspiration to strike, instead they actively seek it out. They understand that writing isn't something that just magically happens, but rather a skill that needs to be cultivated and worked on. A writer must be willing to put in the time and effort if they want to reach their goals.

One way successful writers do this is by reading work from other authors, both classic and contemporary. Doing this helps them see how others have tackled similar topics or ideas, giving them insight into how they can approach their own stories. Perhaps most importantly, it also serves as a source of inspiration. Reading good quality writing can help reignite the passion and enthusiasm needed to keep going when a project starts to feel overwhelming or tedious.

Successful writers also understand the importance of taking action over simply waiting for motivation or inspiration. Even if they don’t feel inspired at all, they still sit down and write something - even if it’s only a few sentences - because doing so often leads to more ideas coming forth, creating an upward spiral of creativity that eventually results in success. Ultimately, productive writers know that the best way to get inspired is by actually writing in the first place!

6. They Take Criticism Well

The sixth habit that all successful writers have in common is that they take criticism well. Writing, like any other practice, is a skill that can be improved with feedback. Taking criticism constructively is an important part of honing your craft as a writer. When faced with constructive criticism, successful writers are able to take it in stride and use it to their advantage.

A good way to approach criticism is to think of it as an opportunity for growth. It may feel intimidating, but if you can learn to accept feedback without feeling defensive, you will become much better at writing. Reframe the experience so that instead of feeling threatened by criticism, you can use it as a tool to help improve your work. Even when the advice isn't what you wanted to hear or doesn't seem useful at first glance, try looking for the silver lining and consider how it might help you grow as a writer.

Successful writers also understand that mistakes are essential for learning and growth. Don't be afraid of making mistakes--embrace them instead! Mistakes are valuable learning opportunities and provide valuable insight into how we can improve our writing skills. Instead of beating yourself up over any errors or missteps, use them as an opportunity to reflect on what went wrong and how you can do better next time.

By taking criticism well and embracing mistakes, successful writers are able to hone their craft and continue growing as writers. In doing so, they demonstrate the importance of being open-minded when receiving feedback and using mistakes as tools for improvement rather than sources of shame or discouragement.

7. They Embrace Feedback

Embracing feedback is an essential habit for successful writers. It can be intimidating to open oneself up to criticism, but successful writers know that it’s an important part of the creative process. By taking feedback in stride and using it to grow, they make sure their writing continually improves.

The first step to embracing feedback is being open to it. This means not becoming defensive when receiving criticism and having the humility to accept a different point of view. Writers should pay attention to both positive and negative feedback, making sure they understand the main points of each critique. This can help them refine their work even further.

Successful writers also use feedback as an opportunity for growth. They consider the opinions of others and incorporate what works into their writing while discarding what doesn’t. They don’t take critiques personally; instead, they look at constructive criticism as a way to better themselves and their writing.

As such, successful writers use feedback as a tool for success instead of letting it hinder them from reaching their goals. They stay open-minded and willing to learn, knowing that by doing so, they will continue creating work that is meaningful and impactful.

8. They Prioritize Quality Over Quantity

The eighth of the habits all successful writers have in common is that they prioritize quality over quantity. Too often, writers become distracted by the idea of writing as much as possible in a short amount of time, and this can lead to an overload of material that doesn't necessarily have any substance or meaningful impact. Quality writing takes more time and effort but it pays off in the long run.

Successful writers know that taking the extra time to craft a piece of work with strong content and purpose will be far more beneficial than simply churning out large amounts of material. They take great care to ensure their work is up to standard, revising and editing pieces until they are confident they can be proud of it. This way, they can be sure their work will have an impact and resonate with readers instead of getting lost in an ever-growing pile of content.

It's important for writers not to get too caught up in trying to produce as much as possible, but rather focus on creating quality pieces that stand out from the crowd. Writing something that is truly special requires dedication and commitment, but when done right, it will bring great rewards in terms of recognition for your work and success for your career.

9. They Know How To Self-Edit

When it comes to writing, the final product is only as good as the effort put into it. Knowing how to self-edit is a habit all successful writers have in common. Self-editing requires an understanding of the craft and discipline to go back over one's own work and refine it. This can be a difficult skill to master, but taking the time to do so will result in a much better finished product.

The first step in self-editing is learning the basics of grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. By having a solid foundation of these rules, writers can check their work for errors and make corrections accordingly. Having an editor or mentor look over one's work can also be beneficial; they may see mistakes or suggest changes that would improve the overall quality of the piece.

Once the basics are covered, writers should take some time to read through their entire piece from start to finish multiple times. Reading aloud can help them identify awkward phrasing or areas that need more explanation. It’s also important for writers to remember that self-editing isn’t just about fixing errors; it’s about making sure that every word works together with all of the others to create a piece that flows naturally and conveys its message effectively.

Self-editing takes practice and dedication, but once mastered, it will become second nature for successful writers. By following these steps carefully, they can ensure that they are putting out their very best work every time.

10. They Take Breaks

Taking breaks is an essential habit for any successful writer to have. Breaks are not just about taking a break from writing, but also about stepping away and reflecting on your work. Taking the time to step back can make all the difference in improving your work and creating something that resonates with readers.

When you take a break during the writing process, it’s important to give yourself permission to do so without feeling guilty or stressed out. Allowing yourself this space can help clear your head, allowing you to focus better when you return to your project later. Additionally, it gives you the opportunity to look at your work with fresh eyes, which can lead to great discoveries and innovative ideas.

Also, breaks don’t have to be long in order for them to be effective. Even short breaks of five minutes or less can be beneficial when it comes to refreshing your mind and re-energizing yourself. Every writer should make sure they build regular breaks into their workflow in order to maintain productivity and stay creative!

Overall, taking regular breaks throughout the writing process is an important habit for successful writers. Breaks offer valuable opportunities for reflection and allow writers the chance to uncover new insights about their projects before jumping back into them with fresh enthusiasm!


Writing is not easy, but it can be done. With the right habits and strategies, anyone can become a successful writer. I have seen this in my own journey as a writer.

The habits discussed above are essential for success in the writing world. Taking time to plan, finding editors and staying focused will help us make progress. We must also take steps to combat writer's block and stay motivated.

Above all, successful writers have one thing in common: they are dedicated to their craft. Achieving success requires hard work and dedication, but it is possible with the right attitude and habits. With consistency and focus, we can all make our writing dreams a reality.

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